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17 Agustus 2024 05:00

Don't cover it with powder, this trick to overcome cracked makeup on smile lines is easy, it only takes 2 steps

Easy tricks to remove smile lines from makeup. Anindya Kurnia
foto: TikTok/@galih.makeupartis

Brilio.net - Makeup crack is a condition where facial makeup cracks or breaks, usually seen in areas of the face that often move or have uneven skin texture. This problem is often caused by several factors, such as dry skin, use of unsuitable makeup products, or improper application techniques.

Dry and dehydrated skin is the main cause of foundation and other makeup products not being able to blend well on the skin's surface , resulting in unwanted cracks and lines. One part of the face that often experiences makeup cracking is the smile line.

Makeup cracks in the smile line area are a common problem that occurs due to natural facial activities that involve a lot of movement, such as smiling or talking. Smile lines, which are located along the sides of the mouth, have a tendency to show cracks or breaks in makeup due to several factors.

One of the main causes is dry skin in the area. Dry, under-hydrated skin doesnt hold makeup products well, causing foundation or concealer to crack and crease as the skin moves.

Well, to overcome this condition, most people will immediately cover the cracked area using powder. In fact, this method will actually make the makeup even more cakey and make the cracks thicker. Another solution, you can imitate the trick shared by a MUA through her personal TikTok account @galih.makeupartis.

photo: TikTok/@galih.makeuartis

Through her upload, the MUA shared an easy trick to overcome cracked makeup on smile lines that can be done in just two steps.

"Tips to avoid smile lines," wrote the MUA in the uploaded video, quoted by briliobeauty.net , Friday (16/8).

photo: TikTok/@galih.makeuartis

The method is easy, you only need to prepare your favorite beauty blender. Make sure the beauty blender is damp. The first step, rub the beauty blender by pressing slightly downward following the smiling girl. Make sure the makeup cracks or cracks are gone.

photo: TikTok/@galih.makeuartis

The next step, tap the smile line using the same beauty blender. This is done so that the complexion is more unified and blended again. This trick will make the makeup smoother and free from cracks on the smile line.

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