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20 Juni 2024 17:10

Dhini Aminarti's mainstay is to look youthful in her 40s, this is how to prevent aging using yoghurt

Apart from treatment at the clinic, you can maintain facial beauty with natural ingredients at home. Devi Aristyaputri
foto: Instagram/@dhiniaminarti ; freepik.com

Brilio.net - Who would have thought that at the age of 41, Dhini Aminarti's face would still look youthful. Even if you look closely, no signs of aging appear on her face. Of course, Dimas Seto's wife did not get this never-changing facial beauty for free.

The woman who was born on May 29 1983 is one of the celebrities who always maintains the health and beauty of her skin. Dhini Aminarti uses many beauty methods, from treatments at beauty clinics that cost millions of rupiah, to treatments that can only be done at home, such as using a yoghurt mask.

He always uses this natural mask made from yoghurt when he has free time and uses it regularly. The reason is, yogurt itself has benefits for skin beauty, one of which is making the face youthful and bright.

Providing benefits that have quite an impact on the skin, it might make you want to try Dhini Aminarti's signature yoghurt mask, right? So, for those of you who want to try, you can follow the tricks shared by beauty vlogger with the TikTok account @osza.best, Thursday (20/6).

photo: TikTok/@osza.best

In uploading the video on the TikTok account @osza.best, he only uses one ingredient, namely yoghurt without any other mixture. So, here's how to use it:

photo: TikTok/@osza.best

How to use:

1. Clean your face first
2. Take enough yoghurt and put it in a clean container
3. Spread yoghurt evenly on your face
4. Wait until it dries
5. Wash your face clean while rubbing it gently
6. Dry your face using a towel or tissue
7. Continue by applying the skincare series
8. By using a yoghurt mask regularly, your face will become youthful and free from wrinkles.

Benefits of yoghurt for antiaging.

Yoghurt is not only used to mix food or drink. However, this fermented ingredient also has other benefits for skin beauty, one of which is preventing signs of aging. Reporting from Greatist, Thursday (20/6) yoghurt has many benefits for the skin, such as moisturizing. The reason is that yoghurt contains protein and fat which can lock in moisture.

Apart from that, you can also use yoghurt to brighten your face. In a study in 2011, yoghurt was able to increase collagen in the skin. Therefore, it can indirectly brighten black spots, tighten and remove wrinkles on the face.

The presence of probiotic sources in yoghurt is also claimed to kill the propionibacterium acnes bacteria that cause acne. Not only that, probiotic sources can also reduce inflammation and help protect the skin from free radicals.

In addition, yogurt is believed to protect the skin from exposure to UV rays. The presence of probiotic sources in yoghurt will act as an antioxidant. Then neutralizes the harmful effects of sun exposure and free radicals.

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