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1 Mei 2024 17:20

Automatically grows thick again, this is a trick to overcome middle bald hair in men using 1 food ingredient

The cause of men experiencing central baldness can occur due to several factors. Devi Aristyaputri
Automatically grows thick again, this is a trick to overcome middle bald hair in men using 1 food ingredient foto: YouTube/Kochrezepte ; freepik.com

Brilio.net - Middle baldness in men is a problem that is often experienced by many people throughout the world. Even though central baldness in men does not have an impact on physical health , in appearance this problem is quite disturbing. The reason is that middle bald hair can make you less confident. Moreover, when you have to attend an important event, for some people, their hairstyle can make them look cool and attractive.

The cause of men experiencing central baldness can occur due to several factors. Male pattern baldness, including central balding, is often the result of genetic factors. If someone has a family history of pattern baldness, they are likely to also experience this condition.

The DHT hormone, which is the active form of the testosterone hormone, can cause hair loss in men with genetic sensitivity to it. DHT damages hair follicles, making them smaller and ultimately stopping new hair growth.

Apart from that, the natural aging process can also be a factor causing central baldness in men. As we age, hair follicles tend to become smaller and less effective, causing hair to become thinner and eventually fall out.

In order for your hair to grow thick again, you need to carry out regular maintenance. One way is to use a hair mask made from natural ingredients. This is as shown by beauty vlogger with the YouTube channel Kochen Rezepte. In uploading the video he used one food ingredient, namely potatoes. Then combined with egg yolk and honey.

Combining potatoes, egg yolks and honey in hair care can provide a number of benefits that can help treat balding in men. Potatoes contain important vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C, vitamin B, iron and potassium. The presence of iron and potassium helps increase blood circulation in the scalp, which can strengthen hair follicles and encourage new hair growth. Potatoes contain antioxidants that help protect hair from damage caused by free radicals and the environment.

Meanwhile, egg yolks contain protein, vitamin A, vitamin E and healthy fats. The fats and vitamins in egg yolks help moisturize dry and dull hair. Then the protein in egg yolk helps strengthen hair and prevent hair loss.

The final ingredient, honey, contains many nutrients including vitamins, minerals and enzymes. The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant content in honey can help reduce inflammation on the scalp and repair damaged hair follicles. Honey's natural humectant properties help keep the scalp moisturized, preventing dryness that can cause hair loss.

By knowing the benefits of some of the ingredients above, are you interested in treating male pattern baldness with a mask? For those of you who want to try, let's look at the information below as summarized by briliobeauty.net from the Kochenrezepte YouTube channel, Wednesday (1/5).


photo: YouTube/Kochrezepte

- 3 potatoes
- 1 egg yolk
- 1 spoon of honey

How to make:

photo: YouTube/Kochrezepte

1. Peel the potatoes and boil until cooked
2. Cut into small pieces and puree
3. Put it in a bowl and strain
4. Squeeze until the water comes out
5. Add one egg yolk
6. Pour honey into the ingredients
7. Stir all the ingredients until evenly mixed
8. Pour into a small bottle and close tightly
9. The mask is ready for you to use.

How to use:

photo: YouTube/Kochrezepte

1. Part your hair into several sections
2. Apply the mask to the entire surface of the hair
3. Massage for a few minutes
4. Cover your hair using a headgear
5. Wait for 15 to 20 minutes
6. Rinse off the hair mask with plain water and shampoo
7. Use this trick regularly so that middle bald hair can grow thickly again.

Clean dandruff with potatoes.

Apart from the benefits above, potatoes are also believed to be able to get rid of dandruff on the scalp. Reporting from indiatimes.com, Wednesday (1/5) this is because potatoes contain high water content, and using them topically can help moisturize dry scalp. Scalp dryness is one factor that can cause dandruff, and by providing sufficient moisture, potatoes can help reduce the risk of dandruff.

Potatoes contain several nutrients that are beneficial for skin health, such as vitamin C and vitamin B. Vitamin C plays a role in healing and regenerating skin cells, while vitamin B helps maintain the scalp's natural moisture.

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