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10 Januari 2025 15:40

At 50 years old, look 20 years younger, this is a simple way to tighten your face with 1 type of leaf

This aging process is also influenced by a decrease in the production of elastin and collagen in the body. Khansa Nabilah
At 50 years old, look 20 years younger, this is a simple way to tighten your face with 1 type of leaf freepik.com

Brilio.net - Everyone will definitely experience aging as they get older. One of the most visible signs of this process is sagging skin, especially on the face. As we age, the volume of fat in the face decreases, causing the fatty tissue found in various parts of the facesuch as the cheeks, temples, forehead, lips, and neckto become loose.

This aging process is also influenced by a decrease in the production of elastin and collagen in the body. This decrease causes the skin to sag and wrinkles to appear. In addition to age factors, sagging skin conditions can also be experienced by individuals with obesity. Often, those who undergo a drastic strict diet will see sagging skin in several areas of the body, especially the neck, arms, stomach, and thighs.

This condition occurs because the skin that previously stretched to accommodate fat cannot return to being tight after the fat is lost due to diet. Loose skin can get worse if the lifestyle is unhealthy, such as lack of sleep or smoking habits. If you do not routinely use skin care products, the aging process will occur more quickly.

Exposure to external factors such as pollution and sunlight without adequate protection can damage the skin and slow down the regeneration process. This is one of the main causes of why the face sags easily.

One solution to overcome the problem of sagging skin is to use natural ingredients. Although using natural ingredients, if done routinely, the benefits can be comparable to expensive treatments at a beauty clinic.

A 37-second video shared by TikTok account @bang.sall90 shows how to treat sagging facial skin using gotu kola leaves. In addition to gotu kola leaves, the account owner also added another ingredient, honey, as part of the natural treatment.

With this approach, skin care can be done effectively without having to spend a lot of money.

Gotu kola or in the skincare world known as centella asiatica is a traditional plant that has long been used as an ingredient in making health supplements. Gotu kola leaves are often used as an alternative medicine to treat inflammation problems. Gotu kola plants contain compounds such as triterpenoid saponins which are commonly found in other medicinal plants. This content is what turns out to provide real benefits for health and beauty.

photo: freepik.com

Phytochemicals, especially triterpenoid saponins and polyacetylenes in gotu kola are known to increase collagen production, thereby preventing collagen breakdown, stimulate fibroblast proliferation that can provide structural support to the skin, and improve skin elasticity. This super nutrient mix provides a wealth of benefits for the skin, including powerful anti-aging properties.

According to Medical News Today, honey has many health and skin care benefits because it contains antimicrobial, antibacterial, antioxidant, vitamin B, vitamin C, and wound healing properties. These contents make honey an attractive alternative ingredient for some people to overcome skin problems.

The natural antioxidants contained in honey will help control the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines on the face. Using honey as a mask ingredient can increase skin elasticity so that the face will look youthful and radiant. Even honey can also keep the skin moist and supple.

Not without reason, the nature of honey that can moisturize the skin is claimed to be effective in maintaining skin hydration. That way the health of the skin barrier will also be maintained. This is what can also keep skin tissue healthy and not easily damaged by the effects of free radicals.

With just these two ingredients, you can make a face mask to overcome your sagging face to make it firm and youthful again. Let's see how to make it, as reported by briliobeauty.net from TikTok/@bang.sall90 on Monday (11/20).


photo: TikTok/@bang.sall90

1. 10 pegagan leaves
2. 1 tablespoon honey

How to make:

photo: TikTok/@bang.sall90

1. Wash the pegagan leaves until they are completely clean of dirt.
2. Crush the pegagan leaves until smooth.
3. Transfer to a container and add honey.
4. Stir both until evenly mixed.
5. Apply to a thoroughly cleansed face.
6. Leave it for 15-20 minutes then rinse thoroughly.
7. Use this method regularly once a day or 2-3 times a week for optimal results.

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