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13 Mei 2024 14:21

At 50, looking 30 years younger, this woman shares how to make a collagen booster using 1 fruit pulp

Collagen is responsible for keeping skin supple, moisturized and wrinkle-free. Devi Aristyaputri

Brilio.net - As we get older, many of us want our skin to stay fresh and youthful. Even when they reach the age of 50, they definitely want their face to look like they are in their 30s. So, how do you do it? One of the keys to ensuring your face doesn't look old is to carry out treatments that increase collagen.

Collagen is the main structural protein found in the human body. Its function is as the "foundation" of skin, bones, tendons and other connective tissues. In the skin, collagen provides strength, elasticity and moisture. Unfortunately, collagen production naturally declines as we age, meaning skin begins to lose its density and elasticity .

Collagen is responsible for keeping skin supple, moisturized and wrinkle-free. When collagen production decreases, the skin can experience signs of aging such as wrinkles, fine lines, and loss of elasticity. Therefore, increasing collagen production can help keep skin youthful and radiant.

To increase collagen, you can start caring for your skin by using a collagen booster. To get this collagen booster, you can get it in the form of food such as eating fish, eggs and green vegetables. Apart from that, there are supplements and skin care products that contain vitamin C and retinol.

So, you can get this collagen booster skincare product in the beauty market. However, good quality collagen boosters are usually priced at a price that can drain your wallet, namely around IDR 200 thousand to IDR 1.2 million. Therefore, as the main solution, you can make your own collagen booster , in the form of a moisturizer using natural ingredients.

This is what a woman with the YouTube channel @Khicibeauty does. Through her video upload on Sunday (12/5), the woman in the video uses one type of grain, namely flaxseeds. Then combined with fruit dregs, namely orange peel, pomegranate and aloe vera oil.

photo: YouTube/@Khicibeauty

Flaxseed contains omega-3 fatty acids, which are known to have anti-inflammatory properties and help maintain skin moisture. All of these ingredients can help increase skin elasticity and repair collagen damage. Flaxseed also contains lignans, phytochemical compounds that can help protect the skin from damage caused by UV light exposure and stimulate collagen production.

Orange peel contains large amounts of vitamin C, which is an important nutrient for collagen production. Reporting from stbotanica.com, Monday (13/5), vitamin C has antioxidant properties that can protect the skin from oxidative damage and stimulate collagen synthesis. Orange peels also contain flavonoids, compounds that can help improve blood circulation in the skin and support healthy collagen.

The antioxidants in pomegranates help increase collagen.

Pomegranate contains powerful antioxidants such as punicalagin and ellagic acid, which can protect collagen from damage caused by free radicals and the environment. The nutritional content in pomegranates can stimulate collagen production and repair existing collagen damage, thereby helping keep skin supple and radiant.

Aloe vera helps repair collagen damage.

Aloe vera has powerful healing properties and can repair skin damage, including collagen damage. The healing properties in aloe vera also help reduce inflammation and increase skin moisture. Aloe vera gel contains compounds that can stimulate the growth of new skin cells, including cells that produce collagen, thereby helping to strengthen the skin structure and increase its elasticity.

Those are the benefits of each ingredient that you can get. So how do you make a collagen booster to keep your face youthful? For those of you who want to try, let's look at the information below as summarized by briliobeauty.net from the YouTube channel @Khicibeauty, Monday (13/5).


photo: YouTube/@Khicibeauty

- 2 tablespoons flaxseeds
- Orange peel
- 2 glasses of water
- Pomegranate oil
- Aloe vera oil.

How to make:

photo: YouTube/@Khicibeauty

1. Prepare a pan filled with water and place it on the stove.
2. When it's a bit hot, add the flaxseeds.
3. Add orange peel.
4. Stir all ingredients and remove from heat.
5. Pour into a new container and strain.
6. Add pomegranate oil and aloe vera oil.
7. Stir again and make serum.
8. Put it in a small container.
9. Artificial moisturizer is ready to use.

How to use:

photo: YouTube/@Khicibeauty

1. Make sure your face is clean first.
2. Apply moisturizer to your face evenly.
3. Massage your face slowly.
4. Leave it until the moisturizer is absorbed without rinsing.
5. Use this moisturizer every day so that your skin stays youthful and looks firm.

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