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22 Juli 2024 14:45

As a result of using fake skincare, the story of this girl who recovered from the rashes on her face was full of struggle

Consistency and patience are important keys. Anindya Kurnia
As a result of using fake skincare, the story of this girl who recovered from the rashes on her face was full of struggle foto: TikTok/@mlyourskinsolution

Brilio.net - Rashes are a common skin problem, especially in the facial area. Although not medically dangerous, rashes can disrupt one's appearance and affect a person's self-confidence.

Breakouts are a condition when the skin pores are blocked by oil, dead skin cells and dust. This occurs when the oil glands under the skin (sebaceous glands) produce too much sebum, which then clogs the pores.

Common causes of this problem are hormonal influences, weather, use of unsuitable skincare or makeup products, and lack of maintaining facial cleanliness. If this condition continues, it can trigger acne. Not infrequently, the face also feels rough, dull and inflamed.

As experienced by one TikTok user with the account name @mlyourskinsolution, who shared his story of curing rashes on his face due to fake skincare.

Fake skincare is an illegal facial care product that usually contains dangerous ingredients. Most fake skincare used by people contains corticosteroids and mercury with serious side effects on facial skin.

photo: TikTok/@mlyourskinsolution

"My previous experience was that I was caught in fake skincare," said the account owner in the uploaded video description, quoted by briliobeauty.net , Monday (22/7).

The story begins when the account owner uses fake skincare. While using this skincare, the account owner immediately experienced a breakout on her face. Until finally, he consulted a dermatologist and started treatment using the doctor's recommended skincare.

While using the doctor's skincare products, the account owner's facial condition improved. It's just that his face looks duller. However, when she decided to stop using doctor's skincare, her face was covered in acne. Even his face was red.

photo: TikTok/@mlyourskinsolution

"Used a doctor's skincare, it recovered, but it was dull and when I stopped it was full of acne again," said the account owner.

Over time, the condition of his face began to improve, the acne and rashes on the account owner's face also began to disappear and gradually fade. This is thanks to the use of skincare that contains retinol. Not only that, he also always consults with expert doctors during the healing process for his facial condition.

"It's starting to heal, but it's really dull, rough, brunt," said the account owner.

photo: TikTok/@mlyourskinsolution

As a result, now the account owner's face is smooth and streak-free. Not only that, her face also automatically glows and brightens evenly. Not without reason, skincare containing retinol is effective for treating various skin problems.

As a derivative of vitamin A , retinol works effectively in regulating excessive oil production in the skin, which is often the main trigger for the formation of blackheads or acne. In addition, retinol also helps reduce the buildup of dead skin cells that can clog pores.

Its properties, which have a mild exfoliating effect, mean that retinol not only cleans pores, but also stimulates the regeneration of skin cells, improving overall skin texture.

photo: TikTok/@mlyourskinsolution

However, it is important to use retinol with caution, starting from a low concentration, and following the recommended directions for use to avoid side effects, such as irritation or dry skin, which may occur in some individuals.

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