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23 April 2024 11:10

Age 50 looks 30 years younger, this is a trick to remove fine lines on the face using 1 type of carbohydrate

This type of carbohydrate contains natural substances that can help remove dead skin cells and increase the regeneration of new cells. Devi Aristyaputri
Age 50 looks 30 years younger, this is a trick to remove fine lines on the face using 1 type of carbohydrate foto: YouTube/@khichibeauty

Brilio.net - Finding your face starting to fill with fine lines at the age of 50 is worrying for a number of people. Indeed, the appearance of fine lines at the age of half a century is normal. However, for those who have activities where they meet lots of people, fine lines make them less confident.

It's not surprising that this trick to remove fine lines on the face is much sought after. One of the main causes of the appearance of fine lines is the natural aging process that occurs over time. As we age, the skin loses its elasticity and firmness, causing fine lines and wrinkles to appear.

Apart from that, excessive sun exposure can also cause your skin to experience premature aging. This is because UV rays from the sun can damage collagen and elastin in the skin which are responsible for maintaining skin firmness and elasticity. Excessive exposure to sunlight can speed up the skin aging process and cause the appearance of fine lines.

Premature aging can also occur due to an unhealthy lifestyle, such as smoking. Please note that smoking can damage collagen and elastin in the skin, causing fine lines and wrinkles to appear more quickly. Smoking also reduces blood flow to the skin which affects the skin's ability to repair itself.

In fact, the appearance of these fine lines can be prevented by using sunscreen or sunblock when doing outdoor activities. Apart from that, you can also reduce smoking habits which cause premature aging. If you have done all these things, balance it with regular skin care .

One of them is by using collagen cream made from natural ingredients, as shared by a beauty vlogger with the YouTube channel @khichibeauty. In the video shared, he uses one type of carbohydrate, namely rice combined with vitamin E oil and rosehip oil.

These three ingredients have benefits that can make your face look 30 years younger. Rice contains natural substances that can help remove dead skin cells and increase the regeneration of new cells. Regular exfoliation can help smooth the surface of the skin and reduce the appearance of wrinkles.

Rice contains vitamin B and antioxidants which can help brighten facial skin. By stimulating collagen production, rice can also help improve skin elasticity and reduce wrinkles. Meanwhile, vitamin E oil is a natural antioxidant that can protect the skin from damage caused by free radicals.

By fighting damage to skin cells, vitamin E oil can help reduce signs of aging, including wrinkles. Vitamin E oil has moisturizing properties and helps maintain skin moisture. Then the vitamin A content in rosehip oil can stimulate the regeneration of new skin cells, which helps reduce the appearance of wrinkles and improves skin texture.

Rosehip oil contains powerful antioxidants such as vitamin C, which helps fight free radical damage. Rosehip oil also has moisturizing properties and helps maintain skin moisture. For those of you who want to try getting rid of wrinkles, see the steps below as summarized by briliobeauty.net from the YouTube channel @khichibeauty, Tuesday (23/4).


photo: YouTube/@khichibeauty

- 1 cup rice
- 1 glass of water
- 3 drops of vitamin E oil
- 1 teaspoon rosehip oil

How to make:

photo: YouTube/@khichibeauty

1. Put the rice into the blender
2. Puree the rice
3. Pour the rice into the Teflon
4. Pour enough water
5. Cook for five minutes
6. When it boils, stir and remove from heat
7. Pour the rice cooking water into a bowl
8. Apply a few drops of vitamin E oil
9. Pour in the rosehip oil and stir all the ingredients until evenly mixed
10. Pour into a skincare jar and close tightly.

How to use:

photo: YouTube/@khichibeauty

1. Clean your face and neck area first
2. Spread the cream evenly over the entire face
3. Massage your face and leave it overnight
4. In the morning, continue the routine, such as washing your face using face wash
5. Use this cream regularly at night so that you get the desired results.

Rice helps get rid of acne on the face

Rice is not only used as a food ingredient. However, this rice has other benefits that are good for skin beauty, one of which is preventing the appearance of acne. Reporting from healthline.com, rice powder has a fine texture and can be used as a light exfoliator to remove dead skin cells that can clog pores and cause acne.

Regular exfoliation can help keep pores clean and reduce the chance of acne forming. Although not directly, using a rice mask can help absorb excess oil from the skin. Absorbing excess oil can help reduce the chance of acne forming, especially for those with oily or acne-prone skin.

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