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7 Agustus 2024 18:10

7 signs of acne due to unsuitable skincare and how to deal with it so your skin will automatically calm down again

Knowing the characteristics of acne helps you to be more careful in choosing skincare products. Devi Aristyaputri
foto: freepik.com

Brilio.net - One of the causes of acne is not only bacteria. However, it can arise from other factors, such as incompatibility with skincare products. Using products that are not suitable for your skin type or the ingredients contained in them can cause unwanted reactions, such as the appearance of acne. Recognizing the signs of acne due to unsuitable skincare is very important to prevent further skin damage and ensure that the skin gets the right care.

Knowing the characteristics of acne helps you to be more alert in choosing skincare products. Before trying a new product, it is important to do a patch test to see if there is a negative reaction on the skin. If you are already experiencing problems, stop using the suspect product and focus on products that have ingredients that are gentler and soothe the skin.

So, here are seven characteristics of acne that are not suitable for skincare, as briliobeauty.net compiled from various sources, Wednesday (7/8).

1. Acne appears in unusual places

Characteristics of acne due to unsuitable skincare

If acne appears on areas of your face that are usually free from acne, this could be a sign that the skincare you are using is not suitable. For example, if acne usually appears on the chin, but suddenly appears on the forehead or cheeks, it could be an indicator of irritation or allergy to a particular product.

The way to deal with this is to stop using the suspect product and give your skin time to recover. Try using products with gentler and hypoallergenic ingredients. You can also consult a dermatologist to get recommendations for suitable products.

2. Pimples are red and inflamed.

Acne that appears due to incompatibility with skincare is usually red, inflamed and painful to the touch. This can occur due to a skin reaction to inappropriate ingredients.

So that acne no longer becomes inflamed, you can use products with anti-inflammatory properties such as niacinamide or aloe vera to reduce inflammation. Avoid products that contain alcohol or perfume because they can worsen skin conditions.

3. The appearance of many small pimples.

Characteristics of acne due to unsuitable skincare

Have you ever experienced small pimples that suddenly appeared in a large area? You need to be careful, this could be a sign of an allergic reaction or irritation to skincare. This type of acne is often referred to as 'purging' but you need to be careful if it lasts too long.

To avoid purging problems, you need to do a patch test before trying a new product to avoid negative reactions. If this happens, stop use and let the skin rest. You can also try products with natural ingredients and without the addition of harsh chemicals.

4. Skin feels itchy and sore

Apart from acne, skin that is not suitable for skincare often feels itchy and sore. This sensation arises because of an irritating reaction to the ingredients in the product used.

Meanwhile, the way to deal with this is to simply avoid scratching the itchy area because it can worsen the skin condition and cause infection. Use a cold compress to relieve itching and burning. Choose products with soothing ingredients such as chamomile or green tea.

5. Skin becomes drier or oilier.

Characteristics of acne due to unsuitable skincare

Quoting from the American Academy of Dermatology Association, Wednesday (7/8) skincare incompatibility can cause an imbalance in oil production in the skin. Normally normal skin can become very dry or very oily, both of which can trigger acne.

Well, you can treat dry and oily skin by using products that balance the oil levels in the skin. You need to know that if your skin is too dry, you can use a moisturizer containing humectants such as hyaluronic acid. For oily skin, use products that control excess oil such as clay masks.

6. Acne is accompanied by acne.

Acne accompanied by large numbers of small pimples is a sign of irritation or allergy to skincare. This eruption usually feels rough when touched.

So that the rashes can disappear and your skin becomes smooth again, stop using skincare that triggers it. You only need to focus on products that have soothing properties and repair skin barriers. Ingredients such as ceramide and centella asiatica can help overcome this problem.

7. Acne Doesn't Go Away

If acne doesn't heal even though you have used skincare products that are usually effective, this could be a sign that the product is not suitable for your skin.

You can re-evaluate your skincare routine. Stop using suspect products and focus on products that have been proven safe and effective for your skin. Don't hesitate to consult a dermatologist for proper advice.

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