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4 Agustus 2017 16:00

4 Benefits of Having A Dog

Truly man's best friend. Petra Hapsari
4 Benefits of Having A Dog Image: Shutterstock/Smit

A research studying dog owners above 60 years old found that dog owners mostly have ideal body weight, do not have obesity issue and do not get sick often.

But, how can it happen?

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Health experts say that by having dog, owners have more chance to do outdoor activities and become physically more active.

A research from Center for Disease Control and Prevention in United States on 2014 shows the fact that dog owners are more likely to do physical activities around 150 minutes on weekends.

For those above 60, owning a dog can also reduce their stress hormone, cortisol as well as their cholesterol.

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Health experts say it might happen since dog can overcome their owners loneliness or depression.

Besides having better health, here are other benefits of having a dog:

1.Having more motivation to exercise

Image:Shutterstock/Africa Studio

Every morning or evening, owners usually bring their dog for jogging or walking and it indirectly gives health benefit to them.

According to National Institute of Health and Welfare, dog owners can exercise 30 minutes more compared to other people.

2.Overall, dog owners' health is better than those who dont have dog


After one month of petting a dog, owners show health and behavior improvement according to a study in Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.

3.Mental health becomes better


According to a research done in 2011, pet owners are more likely to be happier, healthier and to feel better compared to those who do not own pet.

4.Reducing the risk of having allergy

Image:Shutterstock/Monkey Business Images

Dogs fur is one of the reasons why people do not want to have this animal. A research in Journal of Pediatrics shows the fact that children who grow up with dog at their house are less likely to suffer from eczema.

The article was previously published inHellosehat.com and all medical data has been reviewed by a licensed medical doctor.

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