foto: - Cerkak is a form of literature in Javanese that has a short prose form. Cerkak usually tells simple stories but is full of life values, either in the form of fictional stories or stories inspired by real life. In Javanese, cerkak has characteristics that distinguish it from other types of literature, such as novels or short stories in Indonesian.
Cerkak Cerkak in Javanese is a form of short story written in Javanese, either using the Javanese ngoko, krama, or a mixture of the two. Cerkak can be in the form of a humorous story, drama, or tragedy that conveys a moral or cultural message. Usually, cerkak focuses more on depicting deep feelings, experiences, or events, even though they are presented in a short form.
Here are some characteristics of Javanese cerkak:- Short: Short stories have a relatively small number of words compared to novels or long stories.
- Prose Form: Cerkak is written in prose, not poetry.
- Contains a Moral Message: Although short, short stories often contain a moral message that can be learned by the reader.
- Language Characteristics: Uses Javanese, both ngoko and krama, according to the context of the story.
Examples of cerkak in Javanese
Getting to know Javanese cerkak
Title: "The Prisoner of Sing Mungkur"
Story: Ana Sawijining, Joko's jeneng boy. Dheweke urip ing sawijining village sing adhem and quiet. Joko doesn't know what true happiness is, amarga wiwit alit, dheweke tansah urip ing kasangsaran. Father and mother wis tilar donya nalika dheweke is still small, and dheweke must urip dhewekan ing omah sing old and lonely. Every day, Joko might be devastated, thinking about why Dheweke has to act like Ngono.
Banjur, sawijining dina, Joko teka menyang sing ana rice fields on the edge of the village. Dheweke went around looking past the old gate which had collapsed. Ing kono, dheweke nemokake sawijining wulangan sing ora can be done lalekake. Dheweke met because uwong tuwa sing ngakoni yn difficulties because of the reason kanggo ngetokake feeling hopeless. "This resistance may be temporary, Joko," said Uwong Tuwa Iku. "Would you not be able to overcome this, it could be your strength to keep your prey alive."
Joko Rumangsa was amazed and continued to wander around the Tembung Uwong Tuwa Mau. Dheweke decided to change his way of thinking and remain enthusiastic about what he might think.
Cerkak Explanation: The story above describes the life of a child who goes through hardship and loss, but gains enlightenment about the meaning of life through his meeting with an old man who gives valuable advice. This cerkak uses Javanese ngoko, which is commonly used in everyday conversation, and the story contains a moral message about the importance of mental resilience and a positive attitude in facing life's trials.
Javanese short stories are a simple yet profound form of literature. Although the stories are short, short stories often lead readers to self-reflection and provide valuable moral messages. Through short stories, the culture and values of Javanese society can be passed on and enjoyed by the next generation.