Initially started as a minor project, this library is not just providing textbooks, but also developing the community’s potential.

  28 Oktober 2015 22:00 - Muhsin Kalida (45) was just an ordinary man who had a vision to better the lives of those around him. That is why he founded a public library in 2003 at his village in Nologaten, Caturtunggal, Sleman, Yogyakarta. The process was never easy because it attracted some unwanted negative reactions from certain people in the beginning.

The Public Library (Taman Bacaan Masyarakat, shortened as TBM) managed by Muhsin has been frequented by teachers,educators, and many foreign students from various countries who are visiting Yogyakarta. In addition, TBM has also received an award from the Ministry of Education and Culture.

The literacy movement pioneered by Muhsin does not stop when people have started to get into reading. He wants to further empower people as the knowledge gained through reading can be used to take them to the next level.

Muhsin base philosophy is dubbed it Tridaya or the three empowerments. Society life in Nologaten is, indeed, moving forward. Economic empowerment carried by TBM Cakruk Pintar, have given the small village a small business that directly increases the income of families.

Under my wifes coordination, women in Nologaten can develop their catering business. TBM Cakruk Pintar Entrepreneurship program has successfully generated40 pecel lele sellers in many places, said the father of two children to, Monday (24/8).

This development is strengthened by the dzikir entrepreneurship activity. This activity is used as an outlet for making friends and praying together for the success of the businesses.

It has been proven that Tridaya is also committed to the cleanliness of the environment by preventing people from throwing garbage into the river. Because of cleaner and healthier rivers, people are able to utilize the river as breeding ponds for fish. Theres already 15 fish ponds nearby that are managed by people supported by TBM Cakruk Pintar.

The third Tridaya is the improvement of human resources. TBM Cakruk Pintar has a variety of fun and enriching activities. There is a leadership program, writing workshop, publishing workshop, and many other creative activities targeting students, educators, and basically anyone whos interested.

Muhsin also initiated a literature tour to Malaysia which has been attended by TBM participants from various regions. The good relationship between Muhsin and National Library in Malaysia is utilized to learn more and develop the community-based library.

When we want to do something useful for the society, do it earnestly, seriously and wholeheartedly, said Muhsin.