The weird creature was sent to the Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa for further investigation

  21 Januari 2016 18:56 - Researchers in New Zealand got a surprise when a bizarre discovery was brought into their hands. The discovery appears to be an alien-like fish in the shape of a frog.

The weird creature was sent to the Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa for further investigation. The researchers need to know where it came from, and what exactly the creature is.

The eccentric fishy bipedalled frog-looking black fellow was found by Claudia Howse and James Beuvink, two surprised tourists, at New Zealand's Bay of Islands.

But they have no idea what was it, then decided to hand it over to the researchers.

This alien-like toothless dragon surprised researchers

Unfortunately, the creature was dead when it arrived at researchers hands, who are now seeking for information as they can to track the creatures origin.

However, the discovery has sparked excitement, and some fellow researchers are suggesting it looks like a toothless dragon, as experts are now probing this rare find.

This alien-like toothless dragon surprised researchers

"This weird creature is likely to be a species of Frogfish, but we won't know until we have a chance to examine it closely! says the Museums representative.

Frogfishes are a type of anglerfish from family Antennariidae, are found in almost all tropical and subtropical oceans and seas around the world, including in Indonesias ocean floors.